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Find Your Mentor!

Check out all the mentor profiles below and then rank your top three choices in your mentorship application. Our mentorship program is available for current UTSA students.

Sharon Nichols

John Shaffer

Brandi Scott

Luca Pozzi


Steph Noell

Damaris Ibarra

Tim Palese

Madison Cowles Serna

How We Can Help

Here are some examples of topics we can help you with during your mentorship program. These are just a few examples so be sure to see the interests/expertise of each potential mentor on their profiles!

Shae Large

Anna Boyer-Chadwick

Zaid Hadad

Career Development

Coming Out

Academic Success


Being LGBTQIA+ In the Workplace

Public Speaking

Mental Health & Wellness


Jake Erney

Rachel Cruz

Andrew Konove

Taylor Roby

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